Slider Bars
         by ilyas usal aka pom

Sliders can be used in many ways in a site: to control sound, to scroll a text, or more generally to adjust the value of a variable at run-time. We are going to see in this tutorial how to build a very simple slider with Flash MX. Then one that is a tiny bit more complex. And then in the extension pack (next tutorial) how to build the corresponding component. Nice and easy.

[ The slider we are going to build ]

What You Need to Get Going
All you need is a line and a dragger. If you open the source provided and look inside the library, you'll see that the dragger is a very thin rectangle, with its registration point in its center, and that the line is 100 pixels wide, with its registration point at the left end of it. I didn't pick this width at random : I chose it because most of the usual quantities have a value comprised between 0 and 100, and it's very appropriate for percentages too.

Steps to Create Animation
To make it really reusable, we are going to make it a little component on its own, that you can just drag and drop on your scene and have a functional slider. It won't be a proper component at first because we want the code to remain simple, but it won't be so far.

  1. The first thing you need to do is create a container clip on the scene (Ctrl+F8). Give it the name slider. Then drag and drop from the library the line and the dragger, so that the left end of the line matches the center of the slider clip. You can use the Align Panel (Ctrl+K) to do that, it's quite practical. Here's an example with the line but the dragger works exactly the same.

[ position of the left end of the line ]

  1. Now give instance names to the line and the dragger : line and dragger. And that's it for the non-code part. All you have to do now is write the code in the first and only frame of the slider movie clip.

The code:

  1. Let's look at the functionalities: we want the dragger to be draggable left and right but always on the line and then we want to return the position of the dragger relatively to the width of the line.
  2. Let's translate this into ActionScript :
    This is the code that lies in the first frame of the slider movie clip:

    [ the code ]

  3. Let's explain this briefly:
    We want to drag from the left end of the line (position 0) to the right end of the line (position line._width, and we want to stay on that line, that is to say remain at _y=0.

[ the parameters of the startDrag ]

You can see that when the dragger is completely at the left of the line, this._x equals 0, and so does the ratio, and when it's at the right of the line, this._x equals 100, and so does the ratio.
Notice that the last line is that simple because the line movie clip is 100 pixels wide.

Anyway, the first version of the slider is done. All you have to do now to use it is drag and drop it on the scene, give it an instance name, for instance mySlider, and then get the value of the slider using mySlider.ratio. In the example I did, I assign the value of the slider to a text box called ratio by putting this in the first frame of the movie:


Part 2: Make your slider any size you want

We just need to change a few things in the code of the slider to make this work. It's a basic " Rule of 3 " as we call it in French.

You can see that when the line is 100 pixels wide, length equals 100, and then this._x*100/line._width equals this._x*100/100 = this._x, which is exactly what we had in the first place (I'm just trying to show that the formula works ).

[ Enter a length and press ENTER ]

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Here! I hope you found this tutorial interesting. Check back soon and we'll see how to build a nice slider component from the A to the Z.



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